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Not exactly what you were expecting?  Me half naked with fins? Well, finning is part of  personal side of About Me and one of the many ways I have fun. 


A long time East Coast transplant, I came to Los Angeles with a broken typewriter, broken coccyx, one suitcase, and my 200 page screenplay about Benedict Arnold. Not exactly a hot property at the time, but researching and writing it taught me skills I still hone today.


And today I am grateful for the good fortune and guts to follow my dreams. All of them. Even the nightmares. 


Want to know more? Just click on the curated buttons above.



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And one more thing. The ancient hand cranked pencil sharpener on the home page is is mine. And it's bent. I threw it as a child in a fit of writer’s block. Years later it’s printers, phones, and laptops. I’m flawed. But working on it, because I’m addicted to learning and always find a way.


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